Saturday, November 27, 2010

What got me through exams

Sri Krishna Sagar's ten bucks worth parcel-coffee, was what got me through my end semester exams this October

This is the closest coffee place to my P.G where you get your coffee fast, hot and strong. 
Still its a little to sweet for my taste, and I can't figure out how they actually get the coffee so sweet, because I can't see the coffee-maker adding any sugar, only milk to the coffee mixture. So the sweetness must be in the coffee mixture itself.

This guy have seen me in the most stressful conditions, and during my exams I found his apathic face rather soothing. Today though he gave me chai in stead of coffee! 

I was to preoccupied with taking his picture that I didn't notice before I had a huge sip of the sickening sweet liquid. I took another sip just to see if it would magically turn into coffee, but sadly it didn't.

I forcefully threw my wasted 10 rupees in the nearest dustbin and marched straight to Kalmane Koffees!

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