Sunday, December 5, 2010

Coffee fun facts!

Did you know...

That coffee is the old term for wine?
Coffee is today's most popular beverage and has      been around for 11 centuries

Coffee used to be considered a meal! Ethiopians used to crush the berries, mix them with animal fat and snack on them during their nomadic journeys.

Asian immegrants introduced the concept of cafes in Europe in the 1650's. 

Some research have suggested that coffee has four times the amount of cancer-fighting antioxidants than green tea.

People in Norway, Denmark and Finland drink more coffee than in any other part of the world, with a yearly consumption of 10 kgs.



  1. And did you know that coffee is the most important anti oxidant in norwegian food?

  2. Oi! Mye artige fakta som sikkert ikke mange visste. Og søt Birgitte på toppen ;)
