Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No more Starbucks in the store?

If you are so lucky to shop at grocery store that sells Starbucks instant coffee, I have some news for you. Your luck might just have turned. 

Starbucks just announced last month that they wanted to cancel their contract with Kraft Food. This means that from march onwards Starbucks products like fresh packaged coffee or instant coffee might disappear from the shelves. Kraft is off course not letting the golden beans slip through their hands with out a fight, and has filled for a legal review of Starbucks decision. 

Kraft has delivered Starbucks coffee to the supermarkets since 1998. If this valuable deal will fall through is yet to see. Maybe this will even lead to a positive outcome, as smaller coffee companies will have better chance to compete in the market.

You can read more about the story here

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