Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why Coffee Smells Like Heaven

I came over this chemistry podcast today that have a show dedicated to studying why coffee smells so good.

Listen to it here!

Even though this is a corporate website I found the podcast being interesting enough. 
What do you think? Please leave a comment. 

Your feedback means a lot.


  1. that's a really interesting podcast. i liked the manner in which the guy described how coffee gets its aroma. made me wanna have a nice hot cup of coffee so badly. :D

  2. Dette innslaget minnet meg om barndommen, hvor jeg alltid insisterte på å lukte i kaffeposen etter at momor skulle fylle på ny kaffe på boksen;-)

  3. Haha hey Sofie, this blog is quite cute. And I drink lots of tea! Love tea dislike coffee!
