Sunday, December 5, 2010


I went to Hampi this weekend, and I was blown away by the beauty of the place.

I could die here, it's just so blissfull.

I had one really bad and one good coffee experince in Hampi

                                                                                Photo: Pallavi Dhote

We started our day at around 7.30 am with some chai/coffee at the buss stand.
We ended up getting one chai and one very week coffee. When I asked the waiter to make it stronger it turned in to a awfull chai/coffee hybrid. I have never tasted anything so horrible in my life. I still feel pukish thinking about it.

The next coffee he made was much better, and kept me going the whole morning.
Me and my friend Pallavi Dhote rented a bicycle each and roamed around historic Hampi on our own. We even did some rock climbing and went sailing down the Hampi river Thungabhadra. It was fantastic.

We came over this eating joint that advertised with "Real coffee". Off course I had to try it.

                                                                         Photo: Pallavi Dhote

It tasted like instant coffee in my opinion, but the waiter showed me the filter machine and swore that he had only used this machine. I did the head bob and sipped my real coffee in content silence. 


  1. Å, Hampi! Det ser så fint ut. Skulle gjerne kommet til India å drukket kaffe med deg!
