Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Black Coffee with Ella Fitzgerald - My favorite coffee song

I need your coffee art


I want you to send me your best drawings, poems, photos and videos where you express your love for (or hatred towards) coffee. You are free to express yourself in anyway you want.

Please submit your contribution before December.18. to this e-mail.

No more Starbucks in the store?

If you are so lucky to shop at grocery store that sells Starbucks instant coffee, I have some news for you. Your luck might just have turned. 

Starbucks just announced last month that they wanted to cancel their contract with Kraft Food. This means that from march onwards Starbucks products like fresh packaged coffee or instant coffee might disappear from the shelves. Kraft is off course not letting the golden beans slip through their hands with out a fight, and has filled for a legal review of Starbucks decision. 

Kraft has delivered Starbucks coffee to the supermarkets since 1998. If this valuable deal will fall through is yet to see. Maybe this will even lead to a positive outcome, as smaller coffee companies will have better chance to compete in the market.

You can read more about the story here

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why Coffee Smells Like Heaven

I came over this chemistry podcast today that have a show dedicated to studying why coffee smells so good.

Listen to it here!

Even though this is a corporate website I found the podcast being interesting enough. 
What do you think? Please leave a comment. 

Your feedback means a lot.


I went to Hampi this weekend, and I was blown away by the beauty of the place.

I could die here, it's just so blissfull.

I had one really bad and one good coffee experince in Hampi

                                                                                Photo: Pallavi Dhote

We started our day at around 7.30 am with some chai/coffee at the buss stand.
We ended up getting one chai and one very week coffee. When I asked the waiter to make it stronger it turned in to a awfull chai/coffee hybrid. I have never tasted anything so horrible in my life. I still feel pukish thinking about it.

The next coffee he made was much better, and kept me going the whole morning.
Me and my friend Pallavi Dhote rented a bicycle each and roamed around historic Hampi on our own. We even did some rock climbing and went sailing down the Hampi river Thungabhadra. It was fantastic.

We came over this eating joint that advertised with "Real coffee". Off course I had to try it.

                                                                         Photo: Pallavi Dhote

It tasted like instant coffee in my opinion, but the waiter showed me the filter machine and swore that he had only used this machine. I did the head bob and sipped my real coffee in content silence. 

Coffee fun facts!

Did you know...

That coffee is the old term for wine?
Coffee is today's most popular beverage and has      been around for 11 centuries

Coffee used to be considered a meal! Ethiopians used to crush the berries, mix them with animal fat and snack on them during their nomadic journeys.

Asian immegrants introduced the concept of cafes in Europe in the 1650's. 

Some research have suggested that coffee has four times the amount of cancer-fighting antioxidants than green tea.

People in Norway, Denmark and Finland drink more coffee than in any other part of the world, with a yearly consumption of 10 kgs.

 http://cocoajava.com/java_trivia.html www.coffeemarvel.com/blog/post/2010/08/16/10-Fun-Facts-About-Coffee.aspx

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The worlds most expensive shit coffee

The worlds most costly coffee blend goes through the digestion system of the Asian animal Luwak. 

The coffee beans are grown in Indonesia and are harvested by the Luwaks. A Luwak is also known as Asian Palm Civet, and can be  described as a fusion of a cat and a monkey. They supposedly have a gift for picking the best coffee bean berries. The juices from the animals stomach is what gives the coffee such a rich taste. So the beans are only picked after they've gone through the Luwaks droppings. Then off course they will be washed and sun dried.

A cup of Kopi Luwak can cost you up to 2000 rupees!

Read more about the exclusive blend here. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What got me through exams

Sri Krishna Sagar's ten bucks worth parcel-coffee, was what got me through my end semester exams this October

This is the closest coffee place to my P.G where you get your coffee fast, hot and strong. 
Still its a little to sweet for my taste, and I can't figure out how they actually get the coffee so sweet, because I can't see the coffee-maker adding any sugar, only milk to the coffee mixture. So the sweetness must be in the coffee mixture itself.

This guy have seen me in the most stressful conditions, and during my exams I found his apathic face rather soothing. Today though he gave me chai in stead of coffee! 

I was to preoccupied with taking his picture that I didn't notice before I had a huge sip of the sickening sweet liquid. I took another sip just to see if it would magically turn into coffee, but sadly it didn't.

I forcefully threw my wasted 10 rupees in the nearest dustbin and marched straight to Kalmane Koffees!

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Current Favorite

Kalmane Koffees is my favorite place these days.
Their coffees are primarily based on filter coffee and you get them served in the traditional stainless steal cups if you want.

The bluegrass is favorite right now, but I`m waiting desperately for their cardamom stock to be filled up, so I can taste some real Indian flavored coffee!

You will find several Kalmane Koffees in Bangalore, but the one I go to is located here.

Friday, November 19, 2010

A coffee-blog in the land of tea

This is a blog for all the established or up and coming coffee-lovers out there.

All though India is a major tea-country the number of coffee consumers are growing, so I see a potential audience of what will be a ground breaking blog!

This is me:


Before coming to India this was usually how you would see me, with two black coffees in my hand. My name is Sofie Prestegard, and I from a tiny country called Norway, were we love our coffee black, and in big quantities. 

One my first culture shocks after coming to India was how milky and sweet the coffee is here, and how it is inferior to tea or chai. As a coffee-lover though Karnataka is the place to be. Which is the biggest coffee state in India when it comes to production.

Through this blog I will explore the culture of Coffee both here in India and internationally. I will give you news about coffee, fun facts, recipes, competitions and off course I will gladly test the coffees at the many undiscovered coffee joints of Bangalore. 

Opinionated as you are, feel free to give me feedback, tips and comments.